9 Ways to Support Your Overall Health From Home


You don’t have to go out to a spa, cycling studio or gym to maintain a healthy lifestyle! While the majority of us are stuck in our homes due to the COVID-19 crisis, I wanted to share some ways to support your overall health FROM YOUR HOME! This isn’t just cooking up healthy meals all day — it’s supporting your mental, physical & emotional/spiritual health in order to feel your best, especially during this overwhelmingly stressful time!

I’m breaking down those three aspects of overall health & sharing some of my top tips for support your health without leaving your home!



Your environment can impact your mental space, mood, and productivity based on how it looks! I’m the type of person who can’t stand clutter, but even if you’re not quite as type-A as I am, cleaning up your space can be really helpful in boosting mood and increasing focus. Don’t feel like you need to deep clean your house all in one day either! Pick one area per day & focus there. Start with the rooms you spend the most time in & likely need the TLC the most. If you’re quarantined at home right now during this COVID-19 pandemic, this can eat up a little of that free time during your days as well!


It can be easy to feel like you need to feel productive all day every day, but there is a lot to say about getting adequate rest & how greatly this impacts your overall health! Making sure you get enough sleep during the night as well as monitoring your energy levels throughout the day can help keep stress low, anxiety in check & help you better understand how to arrange your day! If your energy drops mid afternoon, maybe that’s the time to nap, do some reading, or another activity that allows you to lay low. Noticing yourself wanting to sleep in? Do it! Get the rest you need before starting your day. This is an incredibly stressful time for so many people & an increased feeling of exhaustion is common and a combination of so many mental & emotionally draining factors. Good health starts with good sleep! Allow your body to rest & recover from this shock to the system.


I keep sharing this as my absolute top tip right now! Adding a little structure to your day, whether you’re working from home, out of a job, suddenly taking classes online, or maybe you work in an essential business & just feel like the hours outside of the work day are a complete whirlwind (hello… me!) — Creating slight structure around those times that feel the most “free form” is my number one recommendation that keep me feeling focused & as mentally healthy as can be! Start with something small, like a morning routine, or planning your meals for the week!



There’s never a bad time to focus on good nutrition. Nourishing your body with well rounded, balanced meals is so important in feeling your best — even if you’re not as active as you typically are! With stay-at-home orders in place & not having the ability to get into a group class, staying active may look differently… but your eating shouldn’t! Keep giving your body the fuel it needs to function its best so your can feel your best! Focus on plant-heavy plates, a good source of protein & healthy fats to round out your meals!


Getting some activity into your day doesn’t have to look like a run or cycling class. Maybe just a small walk every day, dance party in your kitchen, or one of the many free virtual classes you can find through social media! Activity is going to look different right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t break a sweat or get moving every day! Run around the house with your kids, do the stairs in your home for cardio & use those canned goods or wine bottles for weights! Get creative! Not only will staying active this way support your immune system & overall health, but it’s fun & relieves some of the pressure we’re all feeling from the current situation.


Are you a water bottle person while at work & then completely forget about it at home?? Me too! Find ways to remind yourself to drink water throughout the day! Not only will this help with maintaining healthy body functions, support your GI health, muscle recovery from those workouts & keep your hunger cues in check, but it also helps flush out toxins & decreases your risk of getting sick! Why do you think the first recommendation when anyone gets sick is, “drink your fluids!” Find ways to remind yourself to grab a glass of water throughout the day — maybe you have a full glass with every meal & one in between, maybe you stick to carrying your water bottle around!



Introvert feelings aside… It’s hard to not be in physical contact with the people we love for so long. With no clear end in sight for some of these stay-home-orders & city-wide shutdowns, it’s more important than ever to stay connected with others by whatever means we can! Get on a group FaceTime call with the fame, jump on a zoom workout class or meditation circle, call your mom! There are so many options available to keep us in touch during this time! I have been incredibly inspired by what I’ve seen through social media in order to keep people connected! Feeling isolated during this time can be dangerous, reach out, get active through your social media or simply pick up the phone. You are not alone & you’re also not alone in feeling this way — we are all in this together & are looking to connect too.


Find your center & re-ground yourself during this time. with so much uncertainty around us, it is comforting to sit alone, clear your mind & refocus on YOU. The numbers, the news, the overall sense of panic right now is unsettling & can provoke anxiety, dread & honestly, fear. Put your body & mind into a calming, safe space by practicing a little meditation. This doesn’t have to look like a 1 hour cross-legged on the floor situation… This can look like — 10 deep breaths, 5 minutes of silence when you wake up, a light yoga flow before bed, or even a moment to sit down and journal. Use the method that best fits for you to pause the noise, silence your mind & refocus on your well-being.


Get your feelings out! You could journal, dance, paint, cook — whatever best helps you cope & express the feelings you are having around this pandemic. Don’t bottle up how this is affecting you, no matter how big or small the change in your life may be. For example, I am 100% guilty of this. I still go to work every day, my routine is pretty close to normal, but I am feeling extremely tired, run down & overall a little burnout. Being able to write down my thoughts, put my feelings to paper & express them helps me better cope with the stress & overwhelm I have been feeling. Everyone is so different when it comes to expression — so don’t force yourself to journal, find a way to release some of those feelings in a safe & powerful way that is meaningful & healthy for YOU.

At the end of the day — your health is the most important thing you have, especially right now. Nurture your mind, care for your body & restore your overall health! I am sending all the positive vibes, healthy wishes & elbow bumps your way during this time! I’d love to hear how you are supporting your health right now & how it goes if you try any of these suggestions here!

Reach out! Share with others! Remember… we are all in this together. You are not alone.

Be well.
